
    Classes of Drugs Continued...

    3. Anticoagulants

    Anticoagulants are used to prevent the formation of clots or to break up clots in blood vessels in conditions such as thrombosis (clotting within a blood vessel). They are also used to prevent coagulation in preserved blood used for transfusions.


    1. Heparin is a natural anticoagulant produced by liver cells and some white blood cells.

    2. Tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) dissolves clots and is used to open vessels after myocardial infarction.

    4. Antidepressants

    These drugs treat symptoms of depression. They elevate mood, increase physical activity and mental alertness and improve appetite and sleep patterns.


    Prozac (fluoxetine): It works by allowing the neurotransmitter serotonin into nerve cells.

    Elavil (amitriptyline)

    Tofranil (imipramine)

    Pamelor (nortriptyline)

    Paxil (nortriptyline)

    5. Antidiabetics

    These drugs are used to treat diabetes mellitus ( a condition in which the hormone insulin is either not produced by the pancreas or not effective in the body). An insulin pump is a device strapped to the patient's waist that periodically delivers (via needle) the desired amount of insulin. Examples: Humulin, Iletin, and Lente.

    6. Cardiovascular drugs

    Cardiovascular drugs act on the heart or blood vessels. Those drugs that act on the heart by increasing the force and the efficiency of the heartbeat are called cardiotonic drugs.


    1. Antiarrhythmics: These are cardiotonic drugs such as beta-blockers or calcium channel blockers that are useful in treating congestive heart disease. They are used to correct abnormal heart rhythms.

    2. Diuretics: Diuretics lower blood pressure by inducing the kidney to excrete more urine so that more fluid leaves the body.

    Types of Cardiovascular Drug:

    Vaoconstrictors: Vasoconstrictor drugs narrow the walls of blood vessels and thereby raise blood pressure and are used in cardiac and respiratory failure and in bronchial asthma. Example: Norepinephrine

    Cholesterol-lowering drugs: Cholestrol-lowering drugs decrease the breakdown of body fats by reducing the amount of fat manufactured by the liver and increasing the excretion of bile acids in the stool. Example: Questran (cholestyramine resin)

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