
    Common Tests

    Tests help to determine the general health of a patient, diagnose a disease, and to treat and monitor a disease over time.

    1. Pathological tests

    Pathology is defined as disease and its effects on the body. Laboratory tests are important for finding pathology in the body. Examples: Biopsy, MCH

    2. Laboratory tests

    A medical procedures that involve testing a sample of blood, urine, or other substance from the body. Examples: BUN, gonadotropin tests.

    Some Common Tests

    Allergy Blood Testing

    Allergy blood tests look for substances in the blood called antibodies. The most common type of blood test used is the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA, EIA). Other lab testing methods are radioallergosorbent testing (RAST) or the immunoassay capture test (ImmunoCAP, UniCAP, or Pharmacia CAP). This is used to detect allergies, anaphylaxis.

    Blood Diseases Testing

    Here the most commonly performed test is the complete blood count (CBC) also called full blood count (FBC), which includes white blood cell count, platelet count, hemoglobin level and several parameters of red blood cells. This is used to detect the following conditions:

    Hemoglobinopathies (congenital abnormality of the hemoglobin molecule)

    Anemia (lack of red blood cells or hemoglobin)

    Hematological malignancies.

    Coagulopathies(disorders of bleeding and coagulation)

    Blood Tests for Autoimmune Diseases

    Blood tests are used to detect autoimmune disorders that fall into two general types:

    1. Systemic - Disorders that damage many organs

    2. Localized - Only a single organ or tissue is directly damaged by the autoimmune process.

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