
    Rule 20: Phrase or name combinations.


    Miller and Keane's reference

    physician-in-chief's office

    counselor-at-law's profile

    Rule 21: Preceding a gerund

    Use the possessive form of a noun or pronoun modifying a gerund.


    Correct: We are concerned by the patient's taking so long to respond to treatment.


    We are concerned by the patient taking so long to respond to treatment.

    Rule 22: Preceding a gerund

    Watch for subtle but important variations in meaning created by the use (or non-use) of the possessive form preceding the -ing form of a verb.


    The patient was not injured, thanks to the nurse's preventing her fall.

    The patient was not injured, thanks to the nurse preventing her fall.

    (emphasis placed on thanking the nurse, not the nurse's action)

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