


    In USA, spring officially starts on 21st of March each year, a time when plants and trees wake up from their long winter sleep and start to bloom and produce fresh green leaves, which is a feast for the eyes and senses. Bare trees grow fresh new leaves and spring plants burst with colorful flowers like tulips, daffodils, crocuses, etc.


    In USA, summer officially starts on 21st of June each year making everyone busy with their out-door activities. Since daylight savings are in effect, it does not get dark until it is 8:30 p.m. Normall the temperatures may stay between 80 degree to 90 degree Fahrenheit in most places and even go beyond 100 degrees Fahrenheit in certain places on a particular day in summer.


    In USA, the autumn season, commonly referred to as Fall, officially starts on 21st of September, each year brining an end to summer and its heavy schedule of vacation. Temperature normally remain in the mid50s and 60s (Fahrenheit) in most places.


    IN USA, winter officially starts on 21st of December each year during which the temperatures are usually very cold, ranging from -4 degree Fahrenheit to 20 degree Fahrenheit in most of the places. In several parts of the nation, it normally snows during this season and snowfall ranges from a few inches to a couple of feet depending upon where the plae is situated. Most northern, north-east, and north-central states like New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, and Illinois will get more snow than the states located in south and south central parts like Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Florida, etc. where there may be a little snow or no snow at all.

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